Wyoming CVC
Wyoming Sugars
Worland, WY
Honiron Manufacturing provided engineering, sizing, and design of a Continuous Vertical Crystallizer and Massecuite Reheater for Wyoming Sugars. Honiron fabricated, tested, and installed the CVC & Reheater on client’s foundations and provided support in the piping of the CVC & Reheater. The new installed CVC & Reheater resulted in an increased slice rate by being able to process 343 cu ft. per hour of low raw massecuite.
CVC & Massecuite Reheater Sugar Processing Equipment
Project Scope:
- Mechanical Engineering
- Sizing and Design
- Fabrication
- Onsite Installation
- Automation Assistance
Project Overview:
Mass Temp In: 86°C
Mass Temp Out: 45.6°C
Cooling Water Temp: 18°C
Mass Brix: 93.7
- Mass Temp In: 45.6°C
- Mass Temp Out: 73.3°C
- Heating Water: 79.4°C